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Mandy Kotzman, Ph.D.

Professional Development and Personal Coaching Services
Picture of life coach Mandy

Upcoming Community Presentations, Workshops or Seminars

"Psst!! Do you know these 3 key 'secrets' for living well?" September 9th - 7:00 pm: Fort Collins Club, Fort Collins, CO. Phone: 970-224-2582 for more information.

"Super charge your goal-setting and achievement" January 2010 - date/time to be arranged: Fort Collins Club, Fort Collins, CO. Phone: 970-224-2582 for more information.

Click here for past community presentations.

Contact us to plan or schedule a customised presentation/seminar/workshop on a topic of your choice for any group, small or large - work or business group, social group, service group, neighborhood group, group of friends, family group, club, sporting group, etc.

Topics include, but are not limited to:
  • Fitness/health/weight/other goals - What are they? How can you reach them the easy way?
  • Balancing life - What do you want and on what time scales?
  • Communication skills - The whole enchillada, from self-esteem, self-awareness and self-knowledge, through listening and assertion, to collaborative conflict management.
  • Powerful listening - Learn skills for making connections that enhance life.
  • Assertiveness - It's often not what you say, but the way you say it, that makes all the difference.
  • Managing conflict - Mastering a few key steps can make all the difference.
  • Retirement - Its about more than just having enough money (whatever "enough" might be).
  • Get to know and like yourself better, and why it matters.
  • Designing your life - Being/doing/having more of what you want and less of what you don't.

  • Call (970) 224-4549 or email me to design or schedule your own event.

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    Creative Pursuits LLC  *  P.O. Box 1084  *  LaPorte  *  Colorado 80535
    (970) 581 4982 (USA Mountain Time Zone)